In English:
2025, Podcast, AEA Research Highlights Podcast, "The Returns to Industrial Policy"
2024, VoxEU: "Industrial Policy: Lessons from Shipbuilding"
2024, VoxChina: "Industrial Policy: Lessons from Shipbuilding"
2024, NBER Digest, "Returns to Port Infrastructure Investment"
2024, Harvard CID, Faculty Profile, "Why Ships and Ports are Vital to World Trade and Development"
2024, VoxDev, "Implementing Industrial Policy Effectively: Lessons from Shipbuilding in China"
2024, Politico, "How China Subsidizes Strategically"
2023, Podcast, Trade Talks, "Industrial Policy Detectives: China's Subsidies for Shipbuilding"
2023, The Economist, "Warnings from History for a New Era of Industrial Policy"
2022,QUARTZ: "Why Industrial Policy is Making a Comeback"
2021, Podcast, World Bank: "Tell Me How: How One Shipping Jam can Stop your Daily Bread"
2021, Project Syndicate: "Misreading China's WTO Record Hurts Global Trade"
2021, Cato Institute, "Industrial Policy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from China's Shipbuilding Industry"
2021, Podcast, The World, "Where's my Stuff? Here's why Global Supply Chains are out of Whack due to Pandemic"
2021, MarketWatch, "This is why Almost Half of Cargo Ships are Sailing around Empty"
2021, Econofact, "The Role of Shipping in World Trade"
2021, Microeconomic Insights: "Geography, Transportation and Endogenous Trade Costs"
2020, The Economist: "China’s industrial policy has worked better than critics think"
2019, The Washington Post: "Initial U.S.-China trade deal has major hole: Beijing’s massive business subsidies"
2019, ChinaEconTalk, "Chinese Shipbuilding Industrial Policy: Inefficient and Ineffective?"
2019, VoxEU: "Industrial policy: Lessons from China"
2019, VoxChina: "Industrial policy: Lessons from China"
2019, LSE Business Review: "China’s shipbuilding industry: measuring the effect of industrial policy"
2018, Microeconomic Insights: "China’s hidden shipbuilding subsidies and their impact on its industrial dominance"
2017, Quartz: "A sign of the huge trade imbalance for global commodities: 45% of ships travel empty"
2017, VoxEU: "Detection and impact of industrial subsidies: The case of Chinese shipbuilding"
2014, The Economist: "Tilted marine"
In Greek:
2024, Vogue, "Μυρτω Καλουπτσιδη: Η καθηγητρια οικονομικων στο Harvard University μιλα στη Vogue Greece"
2022, Καθημερινή, "Ιχνηλατώντας τις ρότες του εμπορίου" (συνέντευξη στην Τασιούλα Καραισκάκη)
2021, Impactalk, "Ενας μαθηματικος εγκεφαλος" (συνέντευξη στη Μία Κόλλια)
2021, Fortune Greece, "Μυρτω Καλουπτσιδη: Πως η τυχαια μελετη της ναυτιλιας της αποκαλυψε νεα πεδια ερευνας"
2021, Radio Interview, Alpha Radio 98.9, Συνεντευξη στο Βαγγελη Δουρακη για τη ναυτιλια κατα την πανδημια
2021, Βημα Science, "Νεοι, Ελληνες και Πρωτοποροι στην Επιστημη"
2021, Bodossaki Foundation, Scientific Awards Announcement
2021,, "Πως οι Κινεζοι Διελυσαν τον Ανταγωνισμο στη Ναυπηγικη Βιομηχανια - Τι λεει η Sea Europe"
2021, Οικονομικος Ταχυδρομος, "Delphi Forum: Για ποιους Λογους η Ελληνικη Ναυτιλια ειναι στην κορυφη"
2021, Naftemporiki, "Οικονομικο Φορουμ Δελφων: Η Ναυτιλια σε μια Νεα Πραγματικοτητα"